
Photo at Pico de Loro last 2023

I’m finally back to blogging + 2024 Updates!

Hey guys! How are you doing? It has been quite some time since you heard from me (or read) about my blog post! Things were so busy, and there was also lots of stuff that happened in the past few years in our lives, and now I decided to come back and write and share ... Read more
How to Sign Up as a USANA Preferred Customer Featured photo

How to Sign Up as a USANA Preferred Customer

USANA products are top quality, and I believe these must be experienced by everyone. And for that to happen, we need to make USANA products more affordable to our clients. One efficient approach is to guide them to get an account and sign up as a USANA Preferred customer. But before anything else. I researched ... Read more

5 Reasons Why You Should Start USANA Business this 2022

The year 2021 is finally over, and we’re now welcoming 2022. Most people have their new year’s resolutions ready, and some are considering if starting USANA business is a good move for them. Here are the five reasons why starting your USANA business is a good move: 1. The Company is Growing Despite the Volatility ... Read more

Breaking News: USANA’s Business Accelerator Bonus is Back!

Breaking News! USANA’s Business Accelerator Bonus is Back! This is the incentive that helped so many associates achieve massive growth in terms of the profits. Watch this short video for the mechanics. If you wish to become part of the top associates this year, partner with me and let’s make a game-plan that suits your ... Read more

Elite Bonus Recipients Announced!

The Top 65 associates around the world has been announced! They are the very few associates who are recipients of the awesome Elite Bonus by USANA! I was just blown away with the amount that our company, USANA Health Sciences has distributed! It truly was life-changing! Take a look and be inspired! Laki no? Imagine ... Read more

Why did I Choose Direct Selling Business Model Instead of IT-Related Business?

After graduating from college at 19, I started working as a web developer. Through hard work, dedication, sacrificing rest and sleep, missed gatherings and grasping all freelance projects that I could grab, many doors have opened, which helped build my career. But after working hard for more than seven years, I needed to work harder ... Read more

Another Achievement Today: Finished Setting Up of Business Partner’s Website

Just finished renewing the website of our business partner, Coach Gerard Luistro. Since the website was previously designed a few years ago, there were some outdated plugins and I also need to change a theme so I had to do some tweaking. What I love about this site is its simplicity as well as his ... Read more

Quality Time with My Son on a Monday Afternoon

Had a rescheduled business meeting ng 1pm but me and my son Miggy and made it productive by answering quizzes and mastery tests. We’ve covered a lot of his studies and he almost got perfect to his exams. ? I get to play din for an hour with this awesome game, BloodBorne and good thing ... Read more

Adding these Books to my Mini-Library

Last December, I bought games as treat for my birthday. Since I missed the time playing due to I dedicated myself in building the foundation of my business from 2011-2020, I am just catching up with collecting the PS3 and PS4 games. Of course I also love reading books that’s why I bought these and ... Read more

What do you see when you Google search your name?

Have you ever wondered what Google would display if you try Googling your name? I just got curious on what it would look like if somebody tried searching my name so I tried opening a private window on Firefox (or Incognito in Google Chrome) and this is what I saw. I noticed that Google displays ... Read more